Thursday, February 23, 2012

HELM is the "go-to" for "Green" goodwill in the future !!

The H.E.L.M. Group

Distinguishes itself by going beyond the reselling of textbooks, saving students money, and saving the environment.


Every book the H.E.L.M. Group processes is put back into circulation through a number of partnerships we have established.  We do not add to the landfills.  We recycle 100% off all books that have proved unsaleable. 

The students your company is targeting follow and respect "green-movements" just like this
Our positive steps naturally attract the attention of your target market!!! 

No book goes to waste,

and we support Eco-Libris


Our Talahassee public initiative....

Let's keep that book recycling -

Buy Used Textbooks !! 


Our client and marketing base recognize the importance of moving into the future with an eye on conservation




  1. Funny stuff, but a serious subject.
    Profit is for the well-deserved.
    H.E.L.M. has proven itself a globally positive addition.

  2. Saw this on a public computer someone forgot to log off. Great site though. Very relevant.
